Registration Information
Already registered?
This section includes the forms you will need to complete prior to your child's first day at Little Apples. Please download the files below. If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us. We're happy to help! For your convenience, all files are in both PDF and Microsoft Word format. Only one format needs to be returned.
Parent Agreement
Please download, fill in your information, save, and email back.
Emergency Information
Please download, fill in your information, save, and email back.
Parent Handbook
This is the Parent Handbook with policies and procedures for prospective and current families
2025 Holiday Closings
Expectant Parent Registration (PDF)
This form is required for all infant registrations if registering prior to the child's birth.
This form must be completed in entirety and signed.
The Infant Registration Form must be accompanied by the first week's tuition to secure enrollment.
Registration (PDF)
This form is required for all registrations for enrollment.
This form must be completed in entirety and signed.
The Registration Form must be accompanied by the first week's tuition to secure enrollment.
Securing Registration
To secure enrollment for your child at Little Apples,
we require the first week's tuition and a completed signed registration form.
Submission of this form and payment is subject to classroom availability. Please note that many of our classrooms have waitlists. Thank you!